would the variance of Z with respect to two independent variable, X and Y be subtracted to find the variance if Z = X-Y

No, to find the variance of Z when Z = X - Y, you would need to use the properties of variance. Since X and Y are independent variables, the variance of their sum or difference is equal to the sum of their variances. Therefore, you would subtract the variances of X and Y to find the variance of Z.

To find the variance of Z (denoted as Var(Z)) when Z is a function of two independent variables X and Y, you cannot simply subtract the variances of X and Y. Instead, you need to use a different formula.

Given that Z is defined as Z = X - Y, the variance of Z can be calculated using the following formula:

Var(Z) = Var(X) + Var(Y) - 2 * Cov(X, Y)

- Var(X) and Var(Y) represent the variances of X and Y, respectively.
- Cov(X, Y) denotes the covariance between X and Y.

The term "Cov(X, Y)" represents the measure of how much X and Y vary together. If X and Y are independent, their covariance would be zero, resulting in Var(Z) = Var(X) + Var(Y).

To calculate the variance of Z, you need to know the variances of X and Y, as well as their covariance. You can determine these values by performing statistical analysis on the X and Y data, such as calculating means, sum of squares, and cross-products.

Once you have the necessary values, you can use the formula mentioned above to find the variance of Z.

To find the variance of Z when Z = X - Y, we need to consider the variance of X, the variance of Y, and the covariance between X and Y. Here are the step-by-step calculations:

Step 1: Calculate the variance of X (var(X)).
- If you have a set of observations for X, calculate the sample variance by following these steps:
1. Calculate the mean of X (mean_X).
2. For each observation x_i in X, subtract the mean_X and square the result (x_i - mean_X)^2.
3. Sum all the squared differences obtained in step 2.
4. Divide the sum by n-1, where n represents the number of observations in X.

- If you know the population variance of X (Var(X)), you can use it directly.

Step 2: Calculate the variance of Y (var(Y)).
- Follow the same procedure as in Step 1, replacing X with Y.

Step 3: Calculate the covariance between X and Y (cov(X,Y)).
- If you have a set of paired observations for X and Y, calculate the sample covariance by following these steps:
1. Calculate the means of X (mean_X) and Y (mean_Y).
2. For each pair of observations (x_i, y_i) in X and Y, calculate the product of the differences from their respective means [(x_i - mean_X) * (y_i - mean_Y)].
3. Sum all the products obtained in step 2.
4. Divide the sum by n-1, where n represents the number of paired observations.

- If you know the population covariance between X and Y (cov(X,Y)), you can use it directly.

Step 4: Calculate the variance of Z (var(Z)).
- Use the following formula: var(Z) = var(X) + var(Y) - 2 * cov(X,Y).

By subtracting the covariance between X and Y from the sum of the variances of X and Y, we account for the combined effect of X and Y on Z when calculating var(Z).