Allison drove to work 18 days last month for a total of 230.4 miles driven if she has driven to work 21 days this month how many miles have sheet driven

We can set up a proportion to solve this problem:

days driven last month / miles driven last month = days driven this month / miles driven this month

18 / 230.4 = 21 / x

Cross multiplying, we get:

18x = 21 * 230.4

Simplifying, we have:

18x = 4838.4

Dividing both sides by 18, we find:

x = 4838.4 / 18 = 268.8

Therefore, Allison has driven 268.8 miles this month.

To find out how many miles Allison has driven this month, we can use proportions to calculate an estimate.

Let's set up the proportion:

(18 days / 230.4 miles) = (21 days / x miles)

Cross multiplying, we have:

18 * x = 230.4 * 21

Multiplying both sides:

18x = 4838.4

Dividing both sides by 18:

x = 4838.4 / 18

x ≈ 268.8

Therefore, Allison has driven approximately 268.8 miles this month.

To find out how many miles Allison has driven this month, we first need to calculate her average distance driven per day. We can do this by dividing the total distance driven last month by the number of days she drove:

Average distance driven per day = Total distance driven last month / Number of days driven last month
Average distance driven per day = 230.4 miles / 18 days
Average distance driven per day = 12.8 miles per day

Now, we can use this average to determine how many miles Allison has likely driven this month. Since she has driven to work for 21 days, we multiply the average distance driven per day by the number of days:

Miles driven this month = Average distance driven per day * Number of days driven this month
Miles driven this month = 12.8 miles per day * 21 days
Miles driven this month = 268.8 miles

Therefore, Allison has likely driven approximately 268.8 miles this month.