Two students set up the following apparatus in a lab: a pipette was filled with a mixture of yeast and apple juice and inverted in a test tube filled with warm water. The students observed bubbles being released from the end of the pipette.

Which MOST LIKELY represents the gas being released and the process used to make it?

The most likely gas being released in this scenario is carbon dioxide (CO2). The process used to make it is likely fermentation. Fermentation is a metabolic process carried out by yeast, where sugars in the apple juice are broken down to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. The bubbles observed being released from the pipette are the result of the generated carbon dioxide escaping from the mixture.

The most likely gas being released in this scenario is carbon dioxide (CO2). The process used to make it is fermentation.

The most likely gas being released in this scenario is carbon dioxide (CO2). The process used to generate the gas is called fermentation.

To understand why carbon dioxide is the most likely gas, we need to know that yeast is a microorganism that undergoes the process of fermentation in the presence of sugar, such as apple juice. During fermentation, yeast breaks down the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The bubbles that are observed being released from the end of the pipette are a result of the carbon dioxide gas being produced during fermentation. As the yeast consumes the sugar in the apple juice, it produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Since the pipette is inverted in the test tube filled with warm water, the bubbles are able to escape through the liquid and be observed at the end of the pipette.

To confirm that carbon dioxide is indeed being released, you can perform a simple test. You can collect the gas being released in a container and pass it through a solution called lime water (calcium hydroxide solution). If the lime water turns cloudy or milky, it indicates the presence of carbon dioxide.

In summary, in this setup with yeast and apple juice, the gas most likely being released is carbon dioxide, and it is produced through the process of fermentation.