Judaism spread in the ancient world primarily by

A forced movement of Jews by ancient empires.
B missionary work undertaken by Abraham and Moses.
C extensive trade networks in the Mediterranean Sea.
D Alexander the Great as he moved eastward from Greece

A forced movement of Jews by ancient empires.

To determine how Judaism spread in the ancient world, we need to assess the options given.

A) Forced movement of Jews by ancient empires: While there were instances of forced movement of Jews by ancient empires, such as the Babylonian exile, this was not the primary way in which Judaism spread in the ancient world.

B) Missionary work undertaken by Abraham and Moses: While Abraham and Moses were significant figures in Judaism, their missionary work was focused on establishing and spreading the faith within the Jewish community and not towards converting other civilizations. Therefore, this option is not the primary means by which Judaism spread in the ancient world.

C) Extensive trade networks in the Mediterranean Sea: This option is a more plausible choice. Judaism spread through Jewish merchants and traders who traveled along the extensive trade networks in the Mediterranean Sea during ancient times. As they moved and interacted with different cultures, their religious beliefs and practices could have influenced others.

D) Alexander the Great as he moved eastward from Greece: Alexander the Great's conquests did lead to the spread of Greek culture, including the Hellenistic influence on Jewish communities in the eastern Mediterranean. However, this primarily affected Jewish diaspora communities and not the spreading of Judaism itself.

Considering these options, the most likely answer is C) extensive trade networks in the Mediterranean Sea. Jewish traders played a significant role in disseminating Judaism as they conducted business across different regions, exchanging ideas, and introducing their religious beliefs to other cultures.

Judaism spread in the ancient world primarily by

A. forced movement of Jews by ancient empires.

Judaism spread through forced movements of Jews by ancient empires such as the Babylonian and Roman Empires. These empires conquered Jewish lands and exiled Jewish populations, leading to the dispersion of Jews throughout different regions. This forced diaspora contributed to the spread of Judaism to various parts of the ancient world.