Why did the Populist movement break up after the election of 1896?

(1 point)

Democrats adopted several Populist causes.
Democrats adopted several Populist causes.

They lost support for an 8-hour workday.
They lost support for an 8-hour workday.

People tired of a lack of prosperity.
People tired of a lack of prosperity.

Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.
Its members decided to adopt the gold standard.

The correct answer is:

Democrats adopted several Populist causes.

The Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896 for several reasons:

1. Democrats adopted several Populist causes: After the election, the Democratic Party began adopting several Populist ideas and policies, such as the regulation of big businesses and the income tax. This led to some Populist supporters shifting their allegiance to the Democratic Party.

2. They lost support for an 8-hour workday: The Populists, who initially gained support by advocating for an 8-hour workday, were not successful in achieving this goal. The failure to make progress on this and other labor-related issues caused some supporters to lose faith in the movement.

3. People tired of a lack of prosperity: Despite the promises of economic improvements and prosperity, the Populist movement did not significantly improve the economic conditions of the average American. As a result, many people became disillusioned and grew tired of the lack of progress, leading to a decline in support for the movement.

4. Its members decided to adopt the gold standard: One of the most significant factors in the decline of the Populist movement was the decision made by some of its leaders to adopt the gold standard. This decision alienated many farmers who were suffering financially and believed that a silver standard would be more beneficial to their economic interests.

These factors ultimately led to the breakup of the Populist movement, as the Democratic Party absorbed some of its causes, supporters became disillusioned, and internal disagreements over key policies emerged.

The Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896 due to a combination of factors. One of the main reasons was that the Democrats adopted several Populist causes, effectively co-opting their platform. This led to some Populist supporters joining the Democratic party, diluting the strength and unity of the Populist movement.

Another reason for the breakup was the loss of support for an 8-hour workday. The labor movement, which was an important component of the Populist movement, shifted its focus towards other issues, such as improving working conditions and wages, which caused division among the Populist ranks.

Moreover, people became tired of the lack of prosperity and economic hardship that persisted despite the efforts of the Populist movement. The movement's inability to bring about significant improvements in the economic conditions of the working class led to disillusionment and a decline in public support.

Lastly, internal divisions within the Populist movement emerged over the issue of adopting the gold standard. Some members argued for adopting the gold standard as a means to stabilizing the economy, while others opposed it, believing that it would disproportionately benefit the wealthy at the expense of the working class. These divisions further eroded the unity of the movement and ultimately contributed to its breakup.

So, to summarize, the Populist movement broke up after the election of 1896 due to the Democrats adopting some of their causes, a loss of support for an 8-hour workday, people's dissatisfaction with a lack of prosperity, and internal divisions over the gold standard.