5% of the Universe; Elements such as Helium and Hydrogen, as well as the material that make up planets, asteroids and comets

The majority of the universe, approximately 5%, is composed of ordinary matter, also known as baryonic matter. This includes elements such as helium and hydrogen, which are the most abundant elements in the universe. Hydrogen, in particular, makes up about 75% of the ordinary matter present.

The remaining elements in the universe, including helium, are also part of this 5% composition. However, they are present in relatively smaller quantities. These elements are primarily produced through nuclear fusion processes in stars.

In addition to the elements, the 5% of the universe also comprises the material that forms planets, asteroids, and comets. Planets, such as the ones in our solar system, consist of various elements and compounds that have accumulated and clumped together under gravity. These materials can include rock, metal, ice, and gases.

Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun, typically found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They are composed of rocky materials similar to those found in planets but are smaller in size.

Comets, on the other hand, are icy bodies that originate from the outer regions of the solar system, such as the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. They consist of a mixture of water ice, frozen gases like carbon dioxide and methane, as well as rocky particles.

Overall, the 5% of the universe represents the visible and detectable matter that we can observe, study, and interact with. The remaining 95% is made up of dark matter and dark energy, which are still not fully understood and remain largely mysterious to scientists.

The elements such as Helium and Hydrogen, as well as the materials that make up planets, asteroids, and comets, account for approximately 5% of the universe.

To calculate 5% of the Universe, we need to determine the total amount first. Since the Universe is vast and its exact size is not known, we'll make an estimation. According to scientific research, ordinary matter (which includes elements like helium and hydrogen) makes up about 4.9% of the total matter in the Universe. The remaining 95.1% consists of dark matter and dark energy.

To calculate 5% of the Universe's ordinary matter, we multiply its total amount by 5% (or 0.05):

5% of ordinary matter = 4.9% of the Universe × 0.05

This gives us the proportion of ordinary matter that makes up 5% of the Universe.

Regarding the elements that make up planets, asteroids, and comets, these are primarily composed of heavier elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron. The proportion of these elements compared to the entire Universe is relatively small.

To estimate the percentage of planets, asteroids, and comets in the Universe, we would need to know the total mass of all these celestial bodies. However, since the exact number and mass of such objects are not known, it is challenging to calculate the precise percentage.

In summary, 5% of the Universe refers to the proportion of ordinary matter (including helium and hydrogen) out of the total content. However, determining the specific percentage of elements that make up planets, asteroids, and comets is difficult due to our limited knowledge of their total mass in the Universe.