Use the table to answer the question.

Time walking (minutes) 20 30 40 60 80
Calories burned 100 150 200 300 400
The table shows a relationship between the amount of time spent walking and the number of calories burned. Determine if the relationship is proportional.

(1 point)

The relationship is non-proportional; the graph would be an arc.
The relationship is non-proportional; the graph would be an arc.

The relationship is proportional.
The relationship is proportional.

The proportional relationship cannot be determined from the information provided.
The proportional relationship cannot be determined from the information provided.

The relationship is non-proportional; the graph does not pass through the origin.
The relationship is non-proportional; the graph does not pass through the origin.
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The relationship is proportional.

The relationship is proportional.

To determine if the relationship between the amount of time spent walking and the number of calories burned is proportional, we need to analyze the data in the table.

A proportional relationship means that as one quantity increases, the other quantity also increases, while maintaining a constant ratio between them. In this case, if the time spent walking doubles, the number of calories burned should also double.

Let's analyze the data in the table to see if this holds true:

Time walking (minutes) Calories burned
20 100
30 150
40 200
60 300
80 400

To check if the ratio of time to calories burned is constant, we can divide the calories burned by the time walking for each row:

100 / 20 = 5
150 / 30 = 5
200 / 40 = 5
300 / 60 = 5
400 / 80 = 5

As we can see, the ratio of calories burned to time walking is always 5. This indicates that the relationship between time and calories burned is proportional.

Therefore, the answer is: The relationship is proportional.