A person throws a ball up into the air. At which point in its path will the ball have the greatest potential energy?

1. When the ball reaches its highest point
2. When the ball is still rising
3. When the ball leaves the persons hand
4. When the ball hits the ground

1. When the ball reaches its highest point

The ball will have the greatest potential energy at the point in its path when it reaches its highest point (Option 1).

To determine at which point in its path the ball will have the greatest potential energy, you need to understand the concept of potential energy and how it relates to the motion of the ball.

Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or condition, and it is directly related to the height or elevation of the object. In the case of a ball thrown into the air, potential energy is determined by its vertical position.

Now, let's break down each possible option:

1. When the ball reaches its highest point:
At the highest point of its trajectory, the ball momentarily comes to a stop before falling back down. Even though its height is the greatest at this point, its potential energy is actually zero since it has no velocity or motion.

2. When the ball is still rising:
As the ball rises in the air, its potential energy increases. The higher the ball goes, the more potential energy it gains. So, while the ball is still rising, its potential energy is increasing.

3. When the ball leaves the person's hand:
When the ball is initially thrown into the air, it has some amount of potential energy due to its initial height above the ground.

4. When the ball hits the ground:
When the ball hits the ground, its potential energy is zero since it is at the lowest height. However, at this point, the ball may possess other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy.

Based on the given options, the answer would be option 3: When the ball leaves the person's hand. This is because at this point, the ball has its maximum initial potential energy due to its height above the ground before any changes in elevation occur.

Remember, potential energy is directly related to the height of the object, so the higher the ball is relative to a reference point, the greater its potential energy.