Take a deep breath. Where does that air you breath in go? It goes into your lungs, but that's not the end! Your circulatory system helps to move the oxygen to all of your cells. What carries the oxygen to every cell in your body?

A bloodblood
B foodfood
C heartheart
D veins

A) blood

To answer the question of what carries oxygen to every cell in your body, the correct answer is option A: blood.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the information given in the question and think through the process:

1. When you take a deep breath, the air enters your lungs.
2. Inside the lungs, oxygen from the air diffuses into tiny air sacs called alveoli. From there, oxygen molecules move across the thin walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream.
3. The bloodstream carries the oxygen-rich blood to all the cells in your body, delivering the necessary oxygen for cellular respiration.
4. The oxygen molecules are carried by red blood cells, which are a component of the blood.

Therefore, it is the blood (specifically, the red blood cells) that carries the oxygen to every cell in your body. Option A, "blood," is the correct answer.

The correct answer is A) blood. Blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to every cell in our body.