He has round glasses, olive-skin, dark-hair, an antiquarian (a specialist in the knowledge of ancient artifacts). He was also a Professor of Archeology. (His shape is just a circle for the head, arms, legs and body like Finn's, you can put him in an outfit that ice king wears to make it easier) guess the character

The character you are describing is likely Indiana Jones.

Based on the description provided, the character you are referring to is likely Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is a fictional character created by George Lucas and portrayed by Harrison Ford in a series of movies. To identify the character, we can break down the description:

1. Round glasses: Indiana Jones is often depicted wearing round glasses, which are a distinctive part of his appearance.

2. Olive skin and dark hair: Indiana Jones is typically portrayed as having olive skin and dark hair, which are common physical traits associated with the character.

3. Antiquarian and Professor of Archaeology: Indiana Jones is known for being a specialist in ancient artifacts and is often referred to as an antiquarian. He is also a renowned professor of archaeology.

It's worth mentioning that the reference to his shape being a circle, arms, legs, and body like Finn's, and wearing an outfit that Ice King wears seems to be a mix of different characters from different franchises. Finn is a character from Adventure Time, and Ice King is also from Adventure Time. These elements may not specifically relate to Indiana Jones, but the attributes mentioned earlier strongly suggest the character you are referring to.

Based on the description provided, the character you are referring to is most likely Indiana Jones. Although your description of the character's appearance resembles that of the Ice King from Adventure Time, the profession of being a Professor of Archaeology and an antiquarian aligns more closely with the iconic fictional character Indiana Jones.