Write a sermon based on the title Jesus and Worship. The sermon must have a key Bible text and three supporting Bible texts throughout the sermon. It must also state the definition of Worship, the original word form of worship. All in all it must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

Title: Jesus and Worship

Good morning, beloved congregation. Today, we gather here to delve into the topic of Jesus and worship. Worship is an essential aspect of our relationship with God and an expression of our love, adoration, and reverence towards Him. As we explore this topic, we will seek guidance from the Bible, uncovering key scriptures that shed light on Jesus' teachings about worship and how it impacts our lives and faith.

Definition of Worship:
Before we proceed, let us define worship. Worship, derived from the Old English word "weorthscipe," means to ascribe worth or honor to someone or something. In its purest form, worship is an act of recognizing God's majestic greatness, divine attributes, and complete authority over our lives.

Key Bible Text:
Our key scripture for today is found in John 4:23, where Jesus states, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him."


I. Honoring God through our hearts - Psalm 95:6
In Psalm 95:6, the psalmist encourages us, "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." Here, we learn that worship begins within our hearts. It is an act of deliberate submission, where we bow down in reverence before God, acknowledging His sovereignty and our utter dependence on Him.

Jesus emphasized the importance of our hearts in worship when he quoted Isaiah 29:13 in Matthew 15:8, saying, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Our worship must not be mere lip service; it must spring forth from a place of sincerity, devotion, and love for our Heavenly Father.

II. Worship in spirit and in truth - John 4:24
In John 4:24, Jesus explains, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This verse emphasizes two essential components of true worship: the involvement of our spirit and adherence to the truth.

By worshiping in spirit, we engage our whole being – our thoughts, emotions, and desires – in communion with God. We offer our genuine selves, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us into a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father.

Moreover, Jesus reminds us of the importance of worshiping in truth. Our worship should be grounded in the truth of God's Word and reflect the character and teachings of Jesus Christ. As we engage in true worship, we are transformed, renewed, and drawn closer to God's heart.

III. Giving thanks and making melody - Ephesians 5:19
In Ephesians 5:19, the Apostle Paul instructs us, "...addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart."

Worship is not limited to singing praises in a church service but encompasses every aspect of our lives. Paul reminds us that we can worship through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and bring melody to the Lord. Our entire lives must become a symphony of gratitude and adoration for God's goodness and grace.

As believers, it is crucial for us to understand Jesus' teachings on worship. Let us worship God with sincere hearts, recognizing His worth and surrendering ourselves to Him. Let us engage in worship in spirit and truth, seeking a genuine connection with the Father through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May our lives become a continual melody of worship, with every breath glorifying our Heavenly Father. As we embrace a lifestyle of worship, we will experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ in our lives and witness His glory shining through us. Let us go forth equipped to worship God with our whole being, forever grateful for His boundless love and mercy. Amen.

Sermon Title: Jesus and Worship

Good morning, esteemed congregation, and welcome to today's sermon on the topic of "Jesus and Worship." In our journey of faith, it is essential to understand the significance of worship in our relationship with God. Today, we will explore the definition of worship, its original word form, and how Jesus exemplified true worship. With the help of key Bible texts and supporting scriptures, we will gain a deeper understanding of worship as an integral part of our lives as believers.


I. Definition of Worship:
To begin, let us consider the definition of worship. Worship can be defined as a reverent acknowledgment and adoration of God, involving both our actions and attitudes. It is an expression of our love, gratitude, and surrender to our Lord. The original word form of worship in the Bible is "proskuneo," which means to bow down, kneel, or prostrate oneself before God. This word carries the idea of complete submission and devotion to God's authority.

II. Jesus' Example of Worship:
In order to understand how to worship, it is essential to observe how Jesus Himself engaged in worship. Our key Bible text today is found in John 4:23-24: "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

a. Supporting Text 1 - Matthew 4:10:
In this scripture passage, when Jesus was tempted by Satan, He responded, "Be gone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'" Here, Jesus emphasizes the importance of worshiping God alone. He rejects the temptation to worship anything or anyone else, reiterating the commandment from Exodus 20:3.

b. Supporting Text 2 - Luke 10:38-42:
In this well-known story of Mary and Martha, Jesus visited their home. While Martha was busy with preparations, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to His teachings. When Martha expressed her frustration, Jesus responded, "Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Mary's act of sitting at Jesus' feet exemplifies a posture of worship - a humble submission to Jesus' authority and a desire to learn and grow in His presence.

c. Supporting Text 3 - Mark 14:3-9:
This passage depicts a beautiful scene in which a woman pours expensive oil on Jesus' head as an act of worship. When some criticized her for wasting the oil, Jesus defended her, saying, "She has done a beautiful thing to me. She has done what she could." This act of extravagant devotion demonstrated not only her love for Jesus but also her recognition of His worthiness to be worshiped.


As we conclude our study on Jesus and worship, let us remember that true worship is not merely an external ritual or religious duty but a lifestyle of surrender, reverence, and devotion to our heavenly Father. Our worship should be characterized by a sincere and authentic connection with God, manifested both in our attitudes and actions.

May we follow the example of Jesus, who worshipped God in spirit and truth, showing us the way to approach the Father. Let us bow down before Him, acknowledging His authority, and offer our lives as a fragrant offering and sacrifice of worship.

Remember, worship is not confined to the Sunday service alone. It is our privilege and responsibility to worship Him in all aspects of our lives – in our work, relationships, and even our challenges. In doing so, we will discover a deep and fulfilling relationship with our Lord, drawing closer to Him as we worship in spirit and truth.

May the Lord bless you as you embrace the true essence of worship and seek to honor Him in all that you do. Amen.

Title: Jesus and Worship

Good morning/afternoon, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we gather to explore the powerful connection between Jesus and worship. Worship is an essential aspect of our Christian faith, and it plays a vital role in our relationship with our Lord and Savior. In this sermon, we will delve into what worship truly means, examine the significance of Jesus' role in worship, and draw inspiration from key Bible texts that emphasize the importance of worship in our lives.


I. Understanding Worship:
Before we delve into the relationship between Jesus and worship, we must first define worship itself. Worship, in its simplest form, can be defined as the act of recognizing and honoring God's greatness, expressing our love and devotion to Him, and giving Him the glory that is rightfully His. It is a heartfelt response to the goodness, mercy, and grace we have received from our Heavenly Father.

The original word form of worship, taken from the Greek language, is "proskuneo." It implies a deep bowing down, acknowledging the supreme authority and worthiness of God. Our worship must go beyond mere rituals, songs, or prayers; it should encompass our entire being, surrendering ourselves to our Creator.

II. Jesus' Role in Worship:
As believers, we have the privilege of following the example of Jesus in our worship. Jesus demonstrated a deep reverence and intimate connection with His Father throughout His earthly life. He embraced worship not only as an act of submission but also as a way to commune and draw closer to God.

1. Key Bible Text: John 4:23-24
In this passage, Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at the well. He explains to her that true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, emphasizing the importance of sincere and genuine worship. Jesus teaches us that worship is not confined to a specific place or time, but is a spiritual connection between our hearts and God.

2. Supporting Bible Text: Matthew 4:10
When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He responded by quoting Scripture, saying, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'" This verse highlights the exclusive nature of worship. Jesus reminds us that our worship should be dedicated solely to God, recognizing His authority above all else.

3. Supporting Bible Text: Luke 19:37-40
As Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the people began to praise and worship Him. Some Pharisees in the crowd criticized their worship, to which Jesus responded, "I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Here, Jesus acknowledges and affirms the importance of worshipping Him as the Messiah, knowing that all of creation recognizes and rejoices in His identity.

III. The Importance of Worship in Our Lives:
Now that we understand the meaning of worship and Jesus' role in it, let us reflect on the significance of worship in our daily lives.

1. Worship Encourages Humility and Surrender
When we worship, we acknowledge that we are dependent on God's grace and mercy. It reminds us of our humble position before a loving and all-powerful Creator. Our act of worship involves surrendering our own desires and magnifying God's glory above all else.

2. Worship Deepens Our Relationship with God
True worship enables us to connect with God on a personal level. As we pour out our adoration, gratitude, and awe, we draw closer to Him and allow Him to speak to our hearts. Through worship, our relationship with God becomes more intimate, transforming every aspect of our lives.

3. Worship Empowers Us to Live for God's Glory
As we experience the goodness and greatness of God through worship, our hearts are filled with a desire to live lives that bring honor and glory to His name. Worship stirs within us a passion for righteousness and a commitment to love and serve others as Jesus did.

Brothers and sisters, let us recognize the significance of worship in our lives. As we learn from Jesus' example, true worship goes beyond rituals and songs; it flows from hearts that reverence and honor God. Let our worship be a lifestyle—a constant surrender and devotion to our Lord. May we draw closer to Him, experience His presence, and allow our worship to transform our lives. Remember, worship is not only an act of gratitude but also a way to encounter the living God who loves us beyond measure.