What is lost on a plasma?

A protonsprotons
B electrons

B. electrons

The answer is B) electrons.

To understand why electrons are lost on a plasma, let's break down what a plasma is. Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter and is formed when a gas is heated to extremely high temperatures or subjected to a strong electromagnetic field.

In a plasma, the high energy causes the atoms in the gas to lose their outer electrons, resulting in a mixture of positively charged ions (which are atoms that have lost electrons) and free electrons. These free electrons are not bound to any specific atom and are able to move freely within the plasma.

So, when we say that electrons are "lost" in a plasma, we mean that they become disassociated from their respective atoms and are no longer bound to them. This loss of electrons is a defining characteristic of plasmas and is responsible for many of their unique properties and behaviors.

B- Electrons are lost on a plasma.