"the sculptor" is an


appositive phrase

adverb phrase

adjective phrase

adjective phrase

"The sculptor" is an appositive phrase.

To determine this, we first need to understand what each option means:

- Infinitive: Infinitives are verb forms that typically start with the word "to" (e.g., "to run," "to eat"). However, "the sculptor" does not fit this pattern.
- Appositive phrase: An appositive phrase is a noun or noun phrase that renames or further identifies another noun or pronoun in a sentence. In this case, "the sculptor" renames or further identifies something else that has been mentioned.
- Adverb phrase: Adverb phrases modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence. However, "the sculptor" does not serve this purpose in the given context.
- Adjective phrase: Adjective phrases modify nouns or pronouns in a sentence by providing additional descriptive information. In this case, "the sculptor" describes or provides more information about something else.

Since "the sculptor" renames or further identifies something else in the sentence, it functions as an appositive phrase.

The phrase "the sculptor" is an adjective phrase.