Photosynthesis C*O_{2} + H_{2}*O -> O_{2} Respiration Sugans + O_{2} -> H_{2}*O + C*O_{3}; C*O_{1}*Ca, O_{1}; H_{1}*O Plants Algac Some bacteria and other organic molecules Using the image above , which statement does NOT accurately describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration A Water is required for both photosynthesis and cellular respiration B The products of respiration can be used by plants for photosynthesis The products of photosynthesis can be used by many organisms for cellular The sugar produced by plants and other autotrophs in photosynthesis can be used by many as a in cellular respiration

B The products of respiration can be used by plants for photosynthesis.

To determine which statement does not accurately describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration, let's analyze each statement based on the information provided.

Statement A: Water is required for both photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
This statement accurately describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Water is indeed a necessary component for both processes.

Statement B: The products of respiration can be used by plants for photosynthesis.
This statement is also correct. The products of cellular respiration, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, can be utilized by plants during photosynthesis.

Statement C: The products of photosynthesis can be used by many organisms for cellular respiration.
This statement is true as well. The products of photosynthesis, including glucose (sugar) produced by plants and other autotrophs, can be used by many organisms for energy production in cellular respiration.

Statement D: The sugar produced by plants and other autotrophs in photosynthesis can be used by many as a in cellular respiration.
This statement contains an incomplete sentence and its meaning is unclear. It seems to suggest that the sugar produced during photosynthesis is used by many organisms for cellular respiration, which is accurate. However, the last part of the sentence is incomplete and does not convey a clear meaning.

Therefore, the statement that does NOT accurately describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration is Statement D.

The statement "The sugar produced by plants and other autotrophs in photosynthesis can be used by many as a in cellular respiration" does NOT accurately describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.