The slope implies that the average temperature (increases or decreases) at a rate of

per degree of latitude.

The slope implies that the average temperature decreases at a rate of 2.531° per degree of latitude.

The slope of 2.531° per degree of latitude implies that the average temperature increases at a rate of 2.531° for each additional degree of latitude.

To determine whether the average temperature increases or decreases at a rate of 2.531° per degree of latitude, we would need to examine the slope of the relationship between temperature and latitude.

To find the slope, we first need to have data on average temperature at different latitudes. Let's assume we have a dataset that includes average temperature and latitude for different locations.

Once we have the dataset, we can use a statistical method called linear regression to calculate the slope of the relationship between temperature and latitude.

Here are the steps to perform linear regression and find the slope:

1. Organize the dataset: Arrange the temperature and latitude values into a table or spreadsheet.

2. Plot the data points: Create a scatter plot with latitude on the x-axis and temperature on the y-axis. Each data point represents a specific location.

3. Fit a regression line: Use a regression analysis tool or software to fit a line to the scatter plot. This line represents the overall trend or relationship between temperature and latitude.

4. Calculate the slope: Once the regression line is fitted, the slope of the line represents the change in temperature for every one unit change in latitude. In this case, the slope will indicate how much the average temperature changes per degree of latitude.

5. Interpret the slope: If the slope is positive (greater than 0), it means the average temperature increases as latitude increases, indicating a positive relationship. If the slope is negative (less than 0), it means the average temperature decreases as latitude increases, indicating a negative relationship.

By following these steps and performing linear regression on the temperature and latitude dataset, we can determine whether the average temperature increases or decreases at a rate of 2.531° per degree of latitude.