Which word part means green? (1 point)

• finis
• chlor
© ехо
O kilo

• chlor

The word part that means green is "chlor."

To determine this, we can break down the options and examine their meanings:

1. "Finis" does not have any association with the color green. It actually means "end" or "finish," which is unrelated to the color.

2. "Chlor" is derived from the Greek word "chloros," which means green. The word part "chlor" is commonly used in scientific terms related to the color green, such as "chlorophyll" (the pigment in plants responsible for photosynthesis).

3. "Ехо" is a Greek word meaning "sound" or "reflection" and does not have any relation to the color green.

4. "Kilo" is a prefix used to denote a thousand times a unit of measurement, like kilogram or kilometer. It does not have any connection to the color green.

So, out of the given options, "chlor" is the word part that means green.

The word part that means green is "chlor."