16. A popular cell phone manufacturer begins selling a new phone with many unique features and is improved. Lots of people want to buy the new phone. The old phone cost $149.00. What is the most likely price of the new phone? (1 point) Responses $89 $89 $199 $199 $79 $79 $139 $139

Based on the given information, it is not possible to determine the most likely price of the new phone.

To find the most likely price of the new phone, we need to consider the information provided about the old phone's cost and the fact that the new phone has many unique features and improvements. Unfortunately, the given options are inconsistent, as there are two different prices listed twice. However, based on the assumption that the new phone is an improved version, it is more likely that the price would be higher rather than lower. Therefore, the most likely price for the new phone would be $199.

Based on the information provided, the most likely price of the new phone is $199.