Which of the following responsibilities are held by the federal government? Choose all that apply. 2 answers only

(1 point)

protecting national parks
protecting national parks

administering healthcare
administering healthcare

providing Social Security
providing Social Security

managing intercity traffic
managing intercity traffic

creating garbage collection services
creating garbage collection services

chartering city governments into existence

protecting national parks

administering healthcare

The responsibilities held by the federal government are:

1. Protecting national parks
2. Administering healthcare

To determine which responsibilities are held by the federal government, you need to understand the division of governmental powers in a country. In the United States, for example, the federal government operates under a system of federalism, where powers are divided between the federal and state governments.

In this case, you are asked to choose two out of the provided responsibilities. Let's analyze each option:

1. Protecting national parks: This is a responsibility held by the federal government. National parks are important natural and cultural resources that are typically managed and protected by federal agencies such as the National Park Service.

2. Administering healthcare: This is not a responsibility typically held by the federal government in the United States. Healthcare administration is generally managed by state governments or private entities, although the federal government does have a role in certain aspects of healthcare, such as Medicare and Medicaid.

3. Providing Social Security: This is a responsibility held by the federal government. Social Security is a federal program that provides financial support to eligible individuals, mainly retirees and those with disabilities, and is administered by the Social Security Administration.

4. Managing intercity traffic: This is not a responsibility typically held by the federal government. Traffic management, including intercity traffic, is mainly the responsibility of state and local governments, with federal involvement limited to areas such as interstate highway funding and regulation.

5. Creating garbage collection services: This is not a responsibility typically held by the federal government. Garbage collection services are typically organized and provided by local governments or private companies at the city or county level.

6. Chartering city governments into existence: This is not a responsibility typically held by the federal government. The creation and chartering of city governments are generally within the jurisdiction of state governments.

Based on this analysis, the responsibilities held by the federal government are: protecting national parks and providing Social Security.