dentify the complete sentence in each group.(1 point)


Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.
Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.

Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.
Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.

Including something called phenylethylamine.
Including something called phenylethylamine.

May actually prevent several serious diseases.

May actually prevent several serious diseases.

May actually prevent several serious diseases.

The complete sentence in each group is:

1. Anne E. Kelley, a professor at the University of Wisconsin.
2. Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate.
3. Including something called phenylethylamine.
4. May actually prevent several serious diseases.

To identify a complete sentence, look for a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or the information about the subject). A complete sentence should express a complete thought and make sense on its own. In this case, sentences 1 to 4 meet these criteria and can be considered complete sentences.