Place the numbers in descending order. 2.3x10^-10; 3.2x^-10; 2.3x10^-12; 2.3x10^-8

3.2x10^-10; 2.3x10^-10; 2.3x10^-8; 2.3x10^-12

To place these numbers in descending order, we need to compare their values.

2.3x10^-10 = 0.00000000023
3.2x10^-10 = 0.00000000032
2.3x10^-12 = 0.0000000000023
2.3x10^-8 = 0.000000023

Now, let's arrange them in descending order:

0.000000023 > 0.00000000032 > 0.00000000023 > 0.0000000000023

Therefore, the numbers in descending order are:

2.3x10^-8 > 3.2x10^-10 > 2.3x10^-10 > 2.3x10^-12

To place the numbers in descending order, you need to compare the exponents of the numbers written in scientific notation.

Let's rewrite the numbers with their exponents:

2.3x10^-10 = 0.00000000023 (exponent of -10)
3.2x10^-10 = 0.00000000032 (exponent of -10)
2.3x10^-12 = 0.0000000000023 (exponent of -12)
2.3x10^-8 = 0.000000023 (exponent of -8)

Now, let's compare them:
- The number with the highest exponent is 2.3x10^-12, which is the smallest number.
- The next highest exponent is 2.3x10^-10, followed by 3.2x10^-10.
- The number with the lowest exponent is 2.3x10^-8, which is the largest number.

So, in descending order, the numbers are:
2.3x10^-12, 2.3x10^-10, 3.2x10^-10, 2.3x10^-8