Judy has $100 and Elenore has $75. Judy is saving $5 per day and Elenore is saving $7 per day.

does the equation "y=7d+100" represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days?

No, the equation "y=7d+100" does not represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days. It represents how much money Elenore will have in total after saving for d days.

No, the equation "y = 7d + 100" does not represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days. This equation actually represents how much money Elenore will have in total after saving for d days.

To find the equation that represents how much money Judy will have, we need to consider that she is saving $5 per day. Therefore, the correct equation would be "y = 5d + 100," where y represents the total amount of money Judy will have after saving for d days.

In this equation, 5d represents the amount of money Judy saves ($5 per day multiplied by the number of saving days), and 100 represents the initial amount of money she starts with.

No, the equation "y=7d+100" does not represent how much money Judy will have in total after saving for d days. This equation actually represents how much money Elenore will have in total after saving for d days, assuming she starts with $100 initially.