Now click the reset all button. Now grab the man and move him as slowly as you can till he reaches the house. Notice the graph. Again, click the reset all button. Now grab the man and move him as quickly as you can till he reaches the house. Notice the graph. They should look similar to the following images:

(first graph is a pretty smooth slope going upward slowly)
(second graph is a graph that very fastly goes up then eases out and starts going in a horizontal direction)

I'm sorry, but I am a text-based AI model and I cannot perform visual tasks, such as clicking buttons or observing graphs. However, based on your description, it seems like you are comparing the motion of the man to the shape of the graphs.

In the first scenario, where the man is moved slowly until he reaches the house, the graph shows a smooth slope going upward slowly. This indicates that the man's motion is gradual and steady.

In the second scenario, where the man is moved quickly until he reaches the house, the graph initially shows a steep rise, followed by a gradual leveling off and eventually moving horizontally. This indicates that the man's motion is initially fast, then slows down and maintains a constant speed.

Please note that these descriptions are based on your provided illustrations, and without the actual graph or visualization, it is difficult to provide an accurate interpretation.

To understand why the graphs look different, we need to consider the relationship between the man's movement and the graph.

When you move the man slowly, it means that his displacement, or change in position, is happening gradually over time. This type of motion is known as smooth and continuous. In terms of the graph, it means that the line representing the man's position will have a relatively gentle slope that gradually increases over time.

On the other hand, when you move the man quickly, his displacement is occurring rapidly. This type of motion is abrupt and quick. In the graph, this will be reflected as a steep increase in the line representing the man's position. However, as you continue moving him quickly, he eventually starts to slow down and approach the house. This is when the line on the graph eases out and begins to become more horizontal.

So, the first graph with a smooth slope represents the slow movement of the man towards the house. The second graph with a fast initial increase and then a more horizontal movement represents the quick movement that eventually eases out as the man approaches the house.

To recreate the graphs as described, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Start by clicking the "Reset All" button.
2. Locate the man on the screen.
3. Click and hold the man using your mouse or touchpad.
4. Move the man slowly towards the house. Make sure to move him at a steady pace and avoid any sudden movements.
5. While moving the man, observe the graph displayed on the screen. It should show a smooth slope going upward slowly.
6. Release the man once he reaches the house.
7. Click the "Reset All" button again to start over.
8. Once again, grab the man using your mouse or touchpad.
9. This time, move the man quickly towards the house. Try to complete the movement as fast as possible, but still in a controlled manner.
10. As you move the man quickly, observe the graph displayed on the screen. It should show a fast upward spike, followed by a gradual decrease in slope, and eventually moving towards a horizontal direction.
11. Release the man once he reaches the house.
12. Compare the two graphs and notice the similarities described in the images provided.

Please note that these instructions assume you have access to a graphical interface with a man, a house, and a graph displayed. Adjustments or modifications may be necessary depending on the specific software or application being used.