match the correction term with definitions

occurs when water reacts chemically with minerals inrock to produce new substances

Oxygen in water combines chemically with substances in rock

a boundary where plates push together

the changing of one type of rock into another due to heat pressure

an underground layer of porous rocks that holds water

a boundary where plates pull apart

a rock that fluid cannot move through

process when one plate pushes down under the other at a convergent boundary

the organic component of soil formed by the decayed remains of plants and animals

the breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces

(these are the names of then) Impermeable rock,
physical weathering,
divergent plate boundary
, convergent plate boundary,

- Occurs when water reacts chemically with minerals in rock to produce new substances: Hydrolysis

- Oxygen in water combines chemically with substances in rock: Oxidation
- A boundary where plates push together: Convergent plate boundary
- The changing of one type of rock into another due to heat pressure: Metamorphism
- An underground layer of porous rocks that holds water: Aquifer
- A boundary where plates pull apart: Divergent plate boundary
- A rock that fluid cannot move through: Impermeable rock
- Process when one plate pushes down under the other at a convergent boundary: Subduction
- The organic component of soil formed by the decayed remains of plants and animals: Humus
- The breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces: Physical weathering

To match the correction term with the definitions provided, here is the list:

1. Occurs when water reacts chemically with minerals in rock to produce new substances: Hydrolysis
Explanation: Hydrolysis is the chemical reaction that occurs when water reacts with minerals in rock, resulting in the production of new substances.

2. Oxygen in water combines chemically with substances in rock: Oxidation
Explanation: Oxidation is the process where oxygen chemically combines with substances in rock, which often leads to the alteration of the rock's composition.

3. A boundary where plates push together: Convergent plate boundary
Explanation: A convergent plate boundary is a geological boundary where two tectonic plates collide and push against each other, often resulting in the formation of mountains, volcanoes, or trenches.

4. The changing of one type of rock into another due to heat and pressure: Metamorphism
Explanation: Metamorphism refers to the process where existing rock undergoes changes in its form, texture, and mineral composition due to high heat and pressure within the Earth's crust.

5. An underground layer of porous rocks that holds water: Aquifer
Explanation: An aquifer is an underground layer composed of porous rocks, gravel, or sand that can store and transmit water. It acts as a natural reservoir that supplies groundwater.

6. A boundary where plates pull apart: Divergent plate boundary
Explanation: A divergent plate boundary is a geological boundary where two tectonic plates move away from each other, resulting in the creation of new crust as magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap.

7. A rock that fluid cannot move through: Impermeable rock
Explanation: Impermeable rock refers to a type of rock that does not allow the movement or flow of fluids, such as water or oil, through its pores or fractures.

8. Process when one plate pushes down under the other at a convergent boundary: Subduction
Explanation: Subduction is the process where one tectonic plate sinks beneath another plate at a convergent boundary, often forming deep-sea trenches and causing volcanic activity.

9. The organic component of soil formed by the decayed remains of plants and animals: Humus
Explanation: Humus is the dark, organic component of soil that arises from the decomposition of plant and animal remains. It is rich in nutrients and contributes to soil fertility.

10. The breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces: Physical weathering
Explanation: Physical weathering refers to the process where rocks are broken down or fragmented into smaller pieces without any chemical change. This can occur due to factors like temperature changes, mechanical force, or frost action.

Please note that the correction terms are aligned with the provided definitions, allowing you to match them accordingly.

- Occurs when water reacts chemically with minerals in rock to produce new substances: Hydrolysis

- Oxygen in water combines chemically with substances in rock: Oxidation
- A boundary where plates push together: Convergent plate boundary
- The changing of one type of rock into another due to heat pressure: Metamorphism
- An underground layer of porous rocks that holds water: Aquifer
- A boundary where plates pull apart: Divergent plate boundary
- A rock that fluid cannot move through: Impermeable rock
- Process when one plate pushes down under the other at a convergent boundary: Subduction
- The organic component of soil formed by the decayed remains of plants and animals: Humus
- The breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces: Physical weathering