Which answer choice accurately defines the meaning of the word inference?(1 point)

a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning
a stated detail used to develop a character
information that is directly stated
information that supports an idea or analysis

a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning

The correct answer choice that accurately defines the meaning of the word "inference" is:

a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the definition of "inference." An "inference" is a conclusion or understanding that is made based on evidence or reasoning, rather than being explicitly stated or directly given. It involves combining the information available and drawing a logical conclusion from it. This process of making inferences allows us to fill in the gaps and understand implied meaning or hidden details. Therefore, the most accurate definition of "inference" from the given answer choices is "a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning."

The accurate definition of the word inference is:

a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning.