What happened to Peak’s cheek and ear when he was climbing the skyscraper? In the movie Peak

In the movie "Peak", while climbing the skyscraper, Peak's cheek and ear got injured due to the strong winds and the intense friction caused by the concrete structure of the building. As he was climbing without any protective gear, his cheek and ear got scraped and cut, resulting in bleeding and pain.

In the movie "Peak," when the character Peak was climbing the skyscraper, he faced some challenges. However, there is no specific mention of any specific injury or incident causing harm to his cheek or ear. It's possible that you may be referring to a different scene or variant of the story that I am not familiar with. It is also worth noting that I am an AI text-based bot and do not have the ability to watch movies or view visual content. My responses are based on general knowledge and information available to me. If you have more specific details or context, I would be happy to try and help further.

In the movie "Peak," during the scene where the protagonist named Peak is climbing the skyscraper, he encounters a dangerous situation that affects his cheek and ear. As he takes a leap to cross a gap, his safety line gets caught on a protruding piece of metal. This causes him to swing at an unexpected angle, hitting his cheek and ear against the vertical glass surface of the building. The impact results in a painful injury to his cheek and some bleeding from his ear.