What is the boy and old man name in the old man and the sea

In the novel "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway, the main characters are:

1. Santiago - The old fisherman, also known as "The Old Man." He is the protagonist of the story and represents the triumph of the human spirit and endurance.

2. Manolin - The young boy who is Santiago's apprentice and is deeply devoted to him. Despite being forbidden by his parents to sail with Santiago due to the old man's unlucky streak, Manolin still cares for him and provides aid and companionship.

In the story "The Old Man and the Sea" written by Ernest Hemingway, the main characters are the old man, Santiago, and a young boy named Manolin. Santiago is the seasoned fisherman, while Manolin is his apprentice and loyal friend.

The boy's name is Manolin, and the old man's name is Santiago. These characters are from the novella "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway.

To find out the names of the characters in a story, you can follow a few steps:

1. Read the story: The first step is to read the story or book in question. Pay attention to the dialogues, conversations, and descriptions to pick up on the characters' names.

2. Look for character introductions: Authors often introduce characters early in a story, either by explicitly stating their names or by providing enough details to identify them. Look for instances where a character's name is mentioned or subtly revealed.

3. Pay attention to interactions: Characters' names are frequently mentioned in dialogues or conversations with other characters. By paying close attention to who is talking to whom, you can often identify the characters' names.

4. Use context clues: Sometimes, authors don't explicitly state a character's name but provide context clues that help you infer their name. Look for descriptions, actions, or relationships that might hint at a character's name.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the names of the characters in any story or book you are reading.