How many inches is a length measuring 7 feet 2 inches?

To convert 7 feet 2 inches to inches, you need to multiply the number of feet by 12 (since there are 12 inches in 1 foot) and add the number of inches.

So, 7 feet is equal to 7 * 12 = 84 inches.
Adding 2 inches to that gives a total of 84 + 2 = 86 inches.

Therefore, a length measuring 7 feet 2 inches is equivalent to 86 inches.

To convert feet to inches, multiply the number of feet by 12. Therefore, to convert 7 feet to inches, we have:

7 feet * 12 inches/foot = 84 inches

Since the length is 7 feet and 2 inches, the total length in inches would be:

84 inches + 2 inches = 86 inches

Therefore, a length measuring 7 feet 2 inches is equivalent to 86 inches.

To find out how many inches are in a length measuring 7 feet 2 inches, we need to know how many inches are in one foot. There are 12 inches in one foot.

Next, we multiply the number of feet by 12 and add the number of inches to get the total length in inches:

7 feet * 12 inches/foot = 84 inches
2 inches

Adding the 2 inches to 84 inches, we find that a length measuring 7 feet 2 inches is equal to 86 inches.