A ________ is the way a person reacts to a situation based on the social environment in which a person grows up.

A. coping strategy

B. defense mechanism

C. learned emotion

D. primary emotion

C. learned emotion

C. learned emotion

The correct answer is C. learned emotion.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:

A. Coping strategy: Coping strategies refer to the techniques or behaviors that individuals use to deal with stress or difficult situations. While a person's reaction to a situation may involve coping strategies, it does not specifically refer to the way they react based on their social environment.

B. Defense mechanism: Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals use unconsciously to protect themselves from anxiety or emotional pain. While defense mechanisms can be influenced by a person's social environment, they do not directly address the way a person reacts based on their social environment.

C. Learned emotion: Learned emotions are emotions or emotional reactions that an individual acquires through their socialization process. The social environment plays a crucial role in shaping a person's emotional responses. As individuals grow up in a specific social environment, they learn how to express and regulate their emotions based on the expectations and norms of that environment. Hence, a learned emotion is the most appropriate term for the way a person reacts to a situation based on their social environment.

D. Primary emotion: Primary emotions are the basic, innate emotions that all humans experience, such as happiness, anger, fear, or sadness. While these primary emotions can be affected by the social environment, the question specifically refers to the way a person reacts based on their social environment, which is better represented by the concept of learned emotions.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. learned emotion.