Anger is a normal emotion that all humans feel at some time. It is important to express this emotion in a healthy way. Which of these ways of dealing with anger might affect your health in a negative way?

A. Accept your feelings.

B. Ignore your triggers.

C. Talk about the problem.

D. Seek constructive alternatives.

B. Ignore your triggers.

The way of dealing with anger that might affect your health in a negative way is ignoring your triggers (option B). While it is important to accept your feelings (option A), talk about the problem (option C), and seek constructive alternatives (option D), ignoring your triggers can lead to repressed anger, which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. It is important to acknowledge and address the triggers causing your anger in order to find healthy ways to express and manage it.

To determine which of these ways of dealing with anger might affect your health in a negative way, we will evaluate each option:

A. Accept your feelings: Expressing and accepting your feelings of anger is generally considered a healthy way to deal with the emotion. It allows you to acknowledge and understand your emotions, which can help in finding appropriate ways to address them.

B. Ignore your triggers: Ignoring your triggers can be problematic when dealing with anger. If you consistently ignore the underlying issues or the situations that provoke your anger, it can lead to unresolved emotions and potentially affect your mental and emotional well-being.

C. Talk about the problem: Talking about the problem is often considered a healthy and constructive way to deal with anger. Open communication can provide an opportunity to express your concerns, address underlying issues, and find possible resolutions.

D. Seek constructive alternatives: Seeking constructive alternatives is also a healthy approach to dealing with anger. This involves finding productive ways to channel your anger, such as exercising, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies or activities that help you release tension.

Based on this analysis, option B (ignore your triggers) is the choice that might negatively affect your health. Ignoring your triggers can lead to unresolved anger and potential emotional distress. It is important to address and understand the factors that provoke your anger to find healthier ways of managing it.