What is the text structure of hang on dolly by sally Lee

Cause and effect

Compare and contrast


The text structure of "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee is sequence.

The text structure of "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee is sequence.

To determine the text structure of the book "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading the book or gathering information about it. Look for any clues within the text that might suggest a particular text structure.

2. Identify any cause-and-effect relationships in the story. Cause-and-effect text structure presents events or actions as causes and their outcomes or consequences as effects. If the book consistently presents a series of actions followed by their related outcomes, then the text structure is likely cause and effect.

3. Look for any instances of comparing and contrasting in the book. Compare-and-contrast text structure presents similarities and differences between different subjects or ideas. If the book frequently points out similarities and differences between characters, events, or places, then the text structure is likely compare and contrast.

4. Observe if the book follows a clear sequence of events. Sequence text structure presents events in a specific order, such as chronological or sequential order. If the events in the book are presented in a logical, step-by-step manner, then the text structure is likely sequence.

By using these strategies, you should be able to analyze the book "Hang on Dolly" by Sally Lee and determine that the text structure is likely a sequence, as it presents events in a specific order.