Identify a common defense mechanism that protects you from an uncomfortable feeling.

A. reaction formation

B. abstinence

C. mature behaviors

D. acceptance

A. reaction formation

The common defense mechanism that protects you from an uncomfortable feeling is:

A. reaction formation

The correct answer is A. reaction formation.

To identify a common defense mechanism that protects you from an uncomfortable feeling, you need to understand what defense mechanisms are and how they work. Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological processes that help individuals cope with anxiety, stress, and uncomfortable feelings. They work by altering our thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to reduce psychological discomfort.

To get the answer to this question, you can first familiarize yourself with the different types of defense mechanisms. Some common defense mechanisms include denial, repression, projection, displacement, and reaction formation.

Once you know the various defense mechanisms, you can evaluate each option provided in the question.

A. Reaction formation is a defense mechanism where an individual behaves in a way that is completely opposite to their true feelings, often in an exaggerated manner. For example, a person may express extreme friendliness towards someone they dislike, masking their true negative emotions.

B. Abstinence refers to the practice of voluntarily avoiding or refraining from engaging in certain behaviors, often associated with addictive substances. Although abstinence can be a solution to certain issues, it is not a defense mechanism against uncomfortable feelings.

C. Mature behaviors are not specific defense mechanisms. They generally refer to healthy, adaptive ways of coping with stress and uncomfortable feelings, such as effective communication, problem-solving, or seeking support from others. While mature behaviors can help manage uncomfortable emotions, they do not fall under the category of defense mechanisms.

D. Acceptance is not a defense mechanism, but rather a psychological concept related to acknowledging and embracing reality as it is, without resistance or judgment. Although acceptance can be a helpful attitude in dealing with uncomfortable feelings, it is not considered a defense mechanism.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the correct answer is A. reaction formation, as it is a defense mechanism that protects individuals from uncomfortable feelings.