The ________ ___________ is someone appointed by the monarch (King or Queen) to act in his/her place in Canada. (1 point)

Prime Minister
Prime Minister

Governer General
Governer General

Assistant to Governor
Assistant to Governor

House of Commons

Governor General

The correct answer is "Governor General."

To find the correct answer, we can start by understanding the given context. The question refers to someone appointed by the monarch to act in their place in Canada. This position is typically associated with a governmental or royal role, given that it involves representing the monarch and carrying out their duties.

One way to find the answer is by searching for information related to the roles and responsibilities of the monarchy in Canada. You can start by using a search engine and entering key phrases such as "monarchy in Canada" or "roles of the Governor General." This will likely lead you to various sources discussing the Canadian constitutional monarchy, the powers of the Governor General, and their role in governmental processes.

Another way to find the answer is by consulting reliable reference sources, such as encyclopedias or official government websites. These sources often have dedicated sections that provide detailed information about governmental positions and their roles in different countries.

In this case, the answer can be found by exploring the official government website of Canada, which provides information about the Governor General of Canada. Typically, the Governor General represents the monarch, performs ceremonial duties, grants royal assent to legislation, and oversees the executive branch of the government on behalf of the monarch.

It's important to note that while the Prime Minister is a significant position in the Canadian government, they are not appointed by the monarch to act in their place. The Prime Minister is the head of government and serves as the leader of the political party that has the majority of seats in the House of Commons.

The correct answer is "Governor General." The Governor General is someone appointed by the monarch (King or Queen) to act in his/her place in Canada.