What country is Canada’s top trading partner?(1 point)






Canada's top trading partner is the USA.

To determine Canada's top trading partner, we need to analyze its international trade data. One way to obtain this information is by referring to official government reports or statistics. In the case of Canada, we can examine data provided by Statistics Canada, which is the national statistical agency. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Open a web browser and go to the official website of Statistics Canada. You can perform a search for "Statistics Canada" to easily find the website.

2. Once you're on the Statistics Canada website, search for their trade or international trade section. This section typically contains detailed information about Canada's imports and exports.

3. Look for the latest available trade data, which is usually organized by country. You may find reports, tables, or interactive tools that provide trade information.

4. Scan the trade data to identify Canada's top trading partners. Look for the countries with highest levels of imports and exports in terms of value.

By following these steps, you can access the official trade data and identify Canada's top trading partner.