What are some minerals that can be found in the Canadian Shield?(1 point)


Iron ore
Iron ore


All of the above

All of the above

All of the above. The Canadian Shield is rich in minerals, including gold, iron ore, and copper.

The correct answer is "All of the above," which means that all three minerals mentioned (gold, iron ore, and copper) can be found in the Canadian Shield.

The Canadian Shield is a large geological region that encompasses parts of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Nunavut. It is known for its rich mineral deposits, making it an important area for mining activities.

To find the answer to this question, you could have researched the Canadian Shield and its mineral resources. You could have used various reliable sources such as geological surveys, mining databases, or official government websites to gather information about the minerals found in this region. By analyzing different sources, you could have identified that gold, iron ore, and copper are indeed among the minerals that can be found in the Canadian Shield.