Your friend decides to take a road trip, just like you! They decide to skip Los Angeles though and go to Chicago instead for some deep dish pizza! How many less miles will they travel? answer in scientific notation

The distance from Los Angeles to Chicago is approximately 1,741 miles. If they skip Los Angeles and go straight to Chicago, they will travel 0 miles less.

In scientific notation, 0 miles less is written as 0.0 x 10^0 miles.

To calculate how many fewer miles your friend will be traveling by skipping Los Angeles and going directly to Chicago, we need to know the distance between the two cities.

The distance between Los Angeles, California, and Chicago, Illinois is approximately 2,020 miles.

Therefore, by skipping Los Angeles, your friend will be traveling approximately 2,020 miles less.

In scientific notation, this can be written as 2.02 x 10^3 miles less.

To calculate the difference in miles between Los Angeles and Chicago, we need to know the distance between the two cities.

To find the distance between two cities, we can use an online mapping service like Google Maps. Simply open Google Maps and enter "Los Angeles" as the starting point and "Chicago" as the destination. Google Maps will provide the driving distance in miles.

By skipping Los Angeles and going directly to Chicago, we can assume that your friend is saving the distance between the two cities. Once we have the driving distance from Google Maps, we can subtract it from the total distance of the road trip including Los Angeles.

Without a specific starting location, it is challenging to provide an accurate answer in scientific notation. However, with the driving distance between the two cities, converting it to scientific notation is straightforward.

Scientific notation is usually written as a number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10. For example, if the driving distance is 500 miles, it can be written as 5 x 10^2 miles in scientific notation.

If you provide the exact driving distance from Los Angeles to Chicago, I can help you convert it to scientific notation.