9) You are going on a road trip next summer! You will start in Tampa and travel to Atlanta to watch a baseball game. Next, you will hit Boston to check out some history sites. Then, you will go all the way to Los Angeles to see the Hollywood sign and Mickey at Disneyland. Finally, you will return to Tampa to go put your feet in the ocean! How many miles did you travel in all?

To calculate the total distance traveled, we need to determine the distances between each city and sum them up.

The distance between Tampa and Atlanta is approximately 461 miles,
The distance between Atlanta and Boston is approximately 1,109 miles,
The distance between Boston and Los Angeles is approximately 2,603 miles,
The distance between Los Angeles and Tampa is approximately 2,160 miles.

Adding these distances together:
Total distance = 461 + 1,109 + 2,603 + 2,160 = 6,333 miles.

Therefore, you will travel a total of 6,333 miles on your road trip.

To calculate the total number of miles you traveled during your road trip, we need to determine the distance between each city and then sum them all up.

1. Tampa to Atlanta:
You can calculate the distance between Tampa and Atlanta using an online map service such as Google Maps. Enter "Tampa, FL" as the starting point and "Atlanta, GA" as the destination. The resulting distance will give you the mileage between the two cities.

2. Atlanta to Boston:
Similarly, enter "Atlanta, GA" as the starting point and "Boston, MA" as the destination in an online map service to find the distance between Atlanta and Boston.

3. Boston to Los Angeles:
Repeat the process by entering "Boston, MA" as the starting point and "Los Angeles, CA" as the destination to determine the mileage between Boston and Los Angeles.

4. Los Angeles to Tampa:
Finally, enter "Los Angeles, CA" as the starting point and "Tampa, FL" as the destination to find the distance between Los Angeles and Tampa.

Add up the distances obtained from each leg of the trip, and you will have the total number of miles traveled during your road trip.

To calculate the total distance traveled on your road trip, we need to find the distance between each destination and sum them up. Let's calculate the distance between each city using an online map service.

1) Tampa to Atlanta:
The distance from Tampa to Atlanta is approximately 460 miles.

2) Atlanta to Boston:
The distance from Atlanta to Boston is approximately 1,050 miles.

3) Boston to Los Angeles:
The distance from Boston to Los Angeles is approximately 2,990 miles.

4) Los Angeles to Tampa:
The distance from Los Angeles to Tampa is approximately 2,570 miles.

Now, let's add up the distances:
460 miles (Tampa to Atlanta) + 1,050 miles (Atlanta to Boston) + 2,990 miles (Boston to Los Angeles) + 2,570 miles (Los Angeles to Tampa) = 7,070 miles

Therefore, you will have traveled a total of approximately 7,070 miles on your road trip.