Jake is just starting high school and is developing a list that includes academic, career, and personal goals. For each of Jake's goals, select if it is long-term, short-term, or medium-term.

Is earning money to buy a car a long-term, short-term, or medium-term goal? Choose the answer.

Question 3 options:





Earning money to buy a car is generally considered a short-term goal.

Determining whether earning money to buy a car is a long-term, short-term, or medium-term goal can depend on various factors. However, in a general sense, this goal is often classified as a medium-term goal.

A medium-term goal typically refers to something that can be achieved over a period of months to a few years. Earning money to buy a car requires a significant amount of saving, which may take some time, but it is usually achievable within a few years.

To determine the specific timeframe for Jake's goal, it is important to consider factors such as his current financial situation, potential income sources, and expenses. By calculating the amount he needs to save each month and estimating how long it will take to accumulate the required funds, Jake can determine a more definitive timeline for his goal.