Person 1 practices the piano for 25 minutes every day. Person 2 also practices the piano every day. Person 2 practices the same amount every day for a total of 140 minutes per week. Compare these proportional relationships. Which person practices less per day

Person 1 practices the piano for 25 minutes per day, while Person 2 practices for a total of 140 minutes per week. To compare the two proportional relationships, we need to convert Person 2's total weekly minutes to the daily amount.

To find the daily amount, we divide the total weekly minutes by the number of days in a week. Since Person 2 practices every day, we divide 140 minutes by 7 days: 140 minutes / 7 days = 20 minutes per day.

Comparing the two daily amounts:

Person 1 practices 25 minutes per day, while Person 2 practices 20 minutes per day.

Therefore, Person 2 practices less per day compared to Person 1.

To compare the proportional relationships, let's find out how much Person 2 practices per day.

Person 2 practices for a total of 140 minutes per week, so to find out their average daily practice time, we divide 140 minutes by 7 days:

140 minutes / 7 days = 20 minutes per day.

Therefore, Person 1 practices the piano for 25 minutes per day, while Person 2 practices for only 20 minutes per day.

Hence, Person 2 practices less per day compared to Person 1.

To compare the proportional relationships between Person 1 and Person 2, we need to find their respective rates of practicing the piano per day.

For Person 1, we know that they practice for 25 minutes every day. This means their rate is 25 minutes/day.

For Person 2, we are given the total amount of time they practice in a week, which is 140 minutes per week. To find their rate per day, we need to divide the total minutes by the number of days in a week. There are 7 days in a week, so we divide 140 minutes by 7 days to get a rate of 20 minutes/day.

Comparing the rates, we can see that Person 2 practices less per day than Person 1. Person 1 practices for 25 minutes per day, while Person 2 practices for 20 minutes per day.