What is the main concern/ complaint of the soldiers from the sources?

The main concern/complaint of the soldiers from the sources is the lack of proper protective gear such as body armor, helmets, and boots, which puts their lives at risk during combat operations. They believe that the military is not providing them with adequate equipment to ensure their safety on the battlefield.

To determine the main concern/complaint of soldiers from various sources, we need to consult those sources directly. Since you haven't provided any specific sources, I cannot provide an accurate answer. However, common concerns/complaints of soldiers can include inadequate equipment, poor living conditions, insufficient training, low pay, long deployments, inadequate support systems, and lack of communication with loved ones. Soldiers may also have concerns about their safety, health care, or treatment by superiors. Do you have any specific sources or references in mind?

To determine the main concern or complaint of the soldiers from the sources, one would need access to specific sources that provide information about their perspectives and experiences. These sources could be interviews, letters, articles, or any other first-hand accounts from soldiers.

To find the main concern or complaint, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify relevant and reliable sources: Look for books, articles, or documentaries that focus on the experiences of soldiers during a specific conflict or war. These sources should provide first-hand accounts or interviews with soldiers.

2. Read or watch the sources: Dive into the sources and pay attention to the experiences, anecdotes, and viewpoints of the soldiers. Take note of any recurring themes, issues, or concerns that they discuss.

3. Analyze the information: Once you have completed reading or watching the sources, begin analyzing the information you gathered. Look for commonalities in the soldiers' experiences, such as recurring concerns or complaints that were voiced by multiple individuals.

4. Consider context: To better understand the soldiers' concerns or complaints, it's important to consider the historical and situational context in which they were serving. Factors such as the nature of the conflict, the conditions on the battlefield, or the treatment they received from their superiors can influence their main concerns.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and determine the main concerns or complaints of the soldiers based on the information provided in the sources you have consulted.