Beth has 4 times as many quarters as Michael.

Beth has 16 quarters.

Write an equation that can be used to find the number of quarters, n, that Michael has.

n = (1/4) * 16

Let's denote the number of quarters that Michael has as 'n'.

According to the given information, Beth has 4 times as many quarters as Michael, which can be written as:

4n = 16

The equation 4n = 16 can be used to find the number of quarters, n, that Michael has.

To find the number of quarters Michael has, let's assume that Michael has `n` quarters.

According to the given information, Beth has 4 times as many quarters as Michael. Hence, the number of quarters Beth has is 4 multiplied by the number of quarters Michael has, which can be written as `4n`.

Given that Beth has 16 quarters, we can set up the equation:
4n = 16

Thus, the equation that can be used to find the number of quarters, n, that Michael has is 4n = 16.