Find the cubic root of 135. (1 point)

O 3sqrt(5)

O 5 * root(27, 3)

O root(5, 3)

O 3 * root(5, 3)

The correct answer is: O 3 * root(5, 3)

To find the cubic root of 135, you need to find a number that, when multiplied by itself twice, equals 135. Here's how you can solve it step-by-step:

1. Start by factoring the number 135 into its prime factors: 135 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 5.

2. Look for groups of three identical prime factors. In this case, we have three 3's. Take one of those groups out and leave the remaining factors as they are.

So, we have (3 * 3 * 3) * 5

3. Simplify the expression by taking out one group of three 3's. This leaves us with a single 3 and a 5:

3 * 5

Therefore, the cubic root of 135 is represented as 3 * root(5, 3).

So the option that represents the cubic root of 135 is O 3 * root(5, 3).

To find the cubic root of 135, you can simplify it by breaking it down into prime factors.

The prime factorization of 135 is 3 * 3 * 3 * 5.

Now, to find the cubic root, you can group the numbers into groups of three, as it is a cubic root.

Taking one 3 and one 5 out of the radicals, you are left with 3 * root(5).

Therefore, the cubic root of 135 is 3 * root(5), which corresponds to option D - 3 * root(5, 3).