Annete completes a 6.8-mile bike route in 90 minutes. She rides her bike at a constant speed for the entire route. To find how fast she traveled, she solves the equation 6.8=x(90). What does x represent?


A The total distance after x minutes

B Her speed in miles per minute

C The amount of time it takes to travel 6.8 miles

D Number of miles she has traveled so far

C The amount of time it takes to travel 6.8 miles

To understand what x represents in the equation 6.8 = x(90), let's break it down:

The equation is in the form of distance = rate x time. In this case, the distance is 6.8 miles, and the time is 90 minutes. We are trying to find the rate, which represents how fast Annette traveled.

In the equation, x represents the rate or speed at which Annette traveled. Specifically, x represents the number of miles that Annette can travel in one minute.

Therefore, the correct answer is B: Her speed in miles per minute.

The correct answer is B: Her speed in miles per minute.

In the equation 6.8 = x(90), x represents her speed in miles per minute.