It takes Julian 1/2 hour to walk 2 miles. He decides to start walking in his spare time, but because he wants to make sure he has enough time to go a desired distance he created the data table. At which ratio does the constant of proportionality appear?

Based on the given information, Julian takes 1/2 hour to walk 2 miles. We can calculate the ratio of time to distance by dividing the time by the distance:

1/2 hour / 2 miles = 1/4 hour per mile

Therefore, the constant of proportionality in this case is 1/4 (or 0.25) which represents the ratio of time to distance.

To determine the ratio at which the constant of proportionality appears, let's analyze the given information.

We know that Julian takes 1/2 hour to walk 2 miles. Let's write this as a ratio:

1/2 hour : 2 miles

Now, let's simplify this ratio by multiplying it by 2 to eliminate the fraction:

(1/2) * 2 : 2 * 2
1 : 4

After simplification, we have:

1 hour : 4 miles

Therefore, the constant of proportionality appears at a ratio of 1:4, indicating that for every 1 hour of walking, Julian covers 4 miles.

To determine the constant of proportionality, we need to analyze the given information. In this case, Julian takes 1/2 hour to walk 2 miles.

Let's define the distance Julian walks as "d" and the time he takes to walk as "t."

From the given information, we can construct a ratio by dividing the distance by the time:
d/t = 2 miles / 1/2 hour

To simplify, we divide 2 miles by 1/2 hour:
d/t = 2 * 2 = 4 miles/hour

Therefore, the constant of proportionality, which represents the ratio of distance to time, is 4 miles per hour.

Ruth can read 15 pages in 30 minutes. She decides to create a table to keep track of her progress. From the data provided, at what ratio is the constant of proportionality