The Paramesvaran family includes 16 children.

(1 point)





The statement "The Paramesvaran family includes 16 children" is false.

In order to verify this statement, we can follow a few steps:

1. Check available information: Look for any existing information or data about the Paramesvaran family, such as official records, news articles, or social media profiles related to the family.

2. Contact family members: If possible, try reaching out to the Paramesvaran family directly to inquire about the number of children they have. This can be done through personal connections, phone calls, emails, or social media messaging.

3. Cross-reference with reliable sources: If there is no direct access to the family, check for any reliable sources that may provide accurate information about the Paramesvaran family. These could include official records, interviews, or documentation from reputable organizations.

By following these steps, we can gather the necessary information to confirm whether the statement is true or false.