Determine which of these illustrates two quantities that combine to make 0.(1 point)


Jake lost 10 dollars, but then earned 10 dollars doing chores.
Jake lost 10 dollars, but then earned 10 dollars doing chores.

A business made a profit, meaning it earned more money than it spent.
A business made a profit, meaning it earned more money than it spent.

It is thirty degrees below zero and then the temperature rises fifteen degrees.
It is thirty degrees below zero and then the temperature rises fifteen degrees.

Marty gets ten dollars for his allowance and then spends eight dollars at the movies.
Marty gets ten dollars for his allowance and then spends eight dollars at the movies.
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The answer is: Marty gets ten dollars for his allowance and then spends eight dollars at the movies.

The correct illustration that shows two quantities combining to make 0 is: Jake lost 10 dollars, but then earned 10 dollars doing chores.

To determine which illustration shows two quantities that combine to make 0, we need to look for situations where one quantity is positive and the other is negative, and when they are added together, they equal zero.

Let's analyze each response:

Response 1: Jake lost 10 dollars, but then earned 10 dollars doing chores. Here, Jake lost 10 dollars, which is a negative quantity, and then earned 10 dollars, which is a positive quantity. When we add -10 and 10 together, we get 0. So, this is an example of two quantities that combine to make 0.

Response 2: A business made a profit, meaning it earned more money than it spent. In this response, there is no mention of a negative quantity, so it does not illustrate two quantities that combine to make 0.

Response 3: It is thirty degrees below zero and then the temperature rises fifteen degrees. In this response, the temperature starts at a negative value, but then it increases, so there is no combination of quantities that make 0.

Response 4: Marty gets ten dollars for his allowance and then spends eight dollars at the movies. Here, Marty receives a positive quantity of 10 dollars, but then spends 8 dollars, which is a negative quantity. When we add 10 and -8 together, we get 2, not 0. Therefore, this is not an example of two quantities that combine to make 0.

From the given responses, only the first response, where Jake lost 10 dollars but then earned 10 dollars, illustrates two quantities that combine to make 0.