A) Some flatworms reproduce through fragmentation. What is a disadvantage of this method? (1 point)

It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
A) The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called (1 point)
vegetative reproduction.
binary fission.
tuber reproduction.
A) Select the statement that is true. (1 point)
Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse.
Sexual reproduction requires a single parent.
Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction.
A) Many plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Which statement below best describes why one method might be more
beneficial than the other? (1 point)
Sexual reproduction guarantees that two plants will provide nourishment for new plantlets.
Asexual reproduction allows plants to skip the process of finding a mate.
Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.
Asexual reproduction allows plants to avoid having to care for their offspring.

The statement that best describes why one method might be more beneficial than the other is: Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

A) The disadvantage of reproduction through fragmentation in flatworms is that it leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

A) The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called vegetative reproduction.
A) Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction.
A) Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

A) The correct answer is: It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

To determine the disadvantage of fragmentation as a method of reproduction, we need to compare it with sexual reproduction. Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a parent organism breaks into fragments, and each fragment develops into a new individual.

One disadvantage of fragmentation is the lower genetic diversity it produces. Since the offspring are genetically identical to the parent, there is limited variation in their gene pool. In contrast, sexual reproduction allows for the recombination and mixing of genetic material from two parents, leading to a higher level of genetic diversity in the offspring.

B) The correct answer is: vegetative reproduction.

Vegetative reproduction is the process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached. This allows the parent plant to reproduce asexually without the need for seeds or spores. Examples of vegetative reproduction include runners in strawberries or the growth of new plants from suckers in aspen trees.

C) The correct answer is: Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, offspring are produced from a single parent without the involvement of gametes or fertilization. This eliminates the need for finding a mate and the complex processes involved in sexual reproduction, such as meiosis. Asexual reproduction is more common in simple organisms, such as bacteria and some plants, where simplicity and efficiency are advantageous.

D) The correct answer is: Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

One of the benefits of sexual reproduction for plants is that it provides genetic variation. Thual reproduction, plants receive genetic material from two parents, resulting in offspring with a diverse combination of traits. This genetic diversity allows plants to adapt to changing environments and increases their chances of survival. In contrast, asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent, limiting their ability to adapt to new conditions.