1-Plan a trip where you will start in Atlanta, travel to Chicago, travel to Tampa, and then return to Atlanta. Assuming you could travel the direct straight-line distance between each pair of cities, how far will you travel all together? Write your total distance traveled in both decimal notation and scientific notation. Show all your work so it is clear what cities you are going to and in what order.

To calculate the total distance traveled, we need to find the straight-line distance between each pair of cities and add them up.

1. Atlanta to Chicago:
The straight-line distance between Atlanta and Chicago is approximately 589 miles.

2. Chicago to Tampa:
The straight-line distance between Chicago and Tampa is approximately 939 miles.

3. Tampa to Atlanta:
The straight-line distance between Tampa and Atlanta is approximately 421 miles.

Now, let's add up the distances:
589 miles + 939 miles + 421 miles = 1949 miles (in decimal notation).

In scientific notation, it can be represented as follows:
1.949 × 10^3 miles.

To determine the total distance traveled in this trip, we will calculate the straight-line distances between Atlanta, Chicago, Tampa, and Atlanta again, and then add them up.

Step 1: Atlanta to Chicago
To find the distance between Atlanta and Chicago, we can use an online mapping service or a tool like Google Maps. The straight-line distance between the two cities is approximately 588 miles (to the nearest mile).

Step 2: Chicago to Tampa
Similarly, we need to find the straight-line distance between Chicago and Tampa. This can be done using an online mapping tool. The straight-line distance between the two cities is approximately 970 miles.

Step 3: Tampa to Atlanta
Again, using an online mapping service, we can determine the straight-line distance between Tampa and Atlanta. The distance between these two cities is approximately 416 miles.

Step 4: Atlanta to Atlanta (return trip)
Lastly, for the return trip from Tampa to Atlanta, we will again use the same distance as calculated in Step 3, which is 416 miles.

Now, let's calculate the total distance traveled by adding up the distances between each pair of cities:

Total distance = Atlanta to Chicago + Chicago to Tampa + Tampa to Atlanta + Atlanta to Atlanta (return trip)
Total distance = 588 miles + 970 miles + 416 miles + 416 miles
Total distance = 2390 miles

Therefore, the total distance traveled in this trip is 2390 miles.

In scientific notation, this distance can be expressed as follows:
Total distance = 2.39 × 10^3 miles

To plan the trip, we will calculate the direct straight-line distance between each pair of cities and add them up to find the total distance traveled.

1. Atlanta to Chicago:
The straight-line distance between Atlanta and Chicago is approximately 595 miles.
Total distance traveled so far: 595 miles

2. Chicago to Tampa:
The straight-line distance between Chicago and Tampa is approximately 995 miles.
Total distance traveled so far: 595 miles + 995 miles = 1590 miles

3. Tampa to Atlanta:
The straight-line distance between Tampa and Atlanta is approximately 418 miles.
Total distance traveled: 1590 miles + 418 miles = 2008 miles

Therefore, the total distance traveled is 2008 miles.

In scientific notation, 2008 miles is written as 2.008 x 10^3 miles.