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The distance a toy car travels over time is shown in the graph.

Complete the sentence. Do not repeat choices.

(1 point)
The graph above shows the
of the toy car. If
was changed to displacement then it would show

The graph above shows the distance of the toy car. If distance was changed to displacement then it would show displacement.

The graph above shows the distance of the toy car. If distance was changed to displacement, then it would show displacement instead of speed.

To answer this question, you need to understand the difference between distance and displacement.

Distance refers to the total length of the path traveled by an object, regardless of direction. On the other hand, displacement refers to the change in position of an object and takes into account both the distance and direction from the starting point to the ending point.

Looking at the graph, we can see that it represents the distance traveled by a toy car over time. Therefore, it shows the distance (not displacement) of the toy car. If we were to change the quantity being measured from distance to displacement, the graph would still show the speed of the toy car.

So, to complete the sentence, we should choose "speed" for both the words "distance" and "speed."

The completed sentence would be: "The graph above shows the speed of the toy car. If distance was changed to displacement then it would show speed."