A small helium tank measures about two feet (60 cm) high. Yet it can fill over 50 balloons! How can such a small tank contain enough helium to fill so many balloons?

The key to understanding how a small helium tank can fill many balloons is the nature of helium gas itself. Helium is an extremely lightweight and low-density gas. In fact, it is the second lightest element on the periodic table, after hydrogen.

Due to its low density, helium can be compressed into a small volume, allowing a significant amount of helium gas to be stored in a compact tank. This is why a small helium tank can hold enough helium to fill multiple balloons.

When the tank is opened and the helium is released, it expands rapidly and fills up the balloons. The balloons themselves are lightweight and have a large surface area compared to their volume, allowing them to be filled with a relatively small amount of helium gas.

Additionally, the amount of helium needed to fill a balloon depends on the size of the balloon. Smaller balloons require less helium, while larger balloons require more. So, a small tank can fill a greater number of smaller balloons compared to larger ones.

In summary, the low density of helium gas allows a small tank to hold a substantial amount of helium, and the lightweight nature of balloons means that a small amount of helium can fill multiple balloons.

A small helium tank may seem small in size, but it is designed to contain helium under high pressure. This high pressure allows a relatively small volume of helium to fill a large number of balloons. Here's how it works:

1. Compression: The helium gas is compressed and stored in the tank at a high pressure. This compression helps to maximize the amount of helium that can be stored in a small volume.

2. Gas Expansion: When a balloon is filled, the valve on the tank is opened, allowing the high-pressure helium gas to flow out. As the gas flows into the balloon, it expands to fill the space inside the balloon.

3. Balloon Capacity: Balloons are typically filled with a certain volume of gas, depending on their size and desired inflation level. The high-pressure helium gas inside the tank is able to expand and fill a larger volume when released into the balloon, allowing it to fill numerous balloons.

4. Pressure Regulation: The tank usually comes with a pressure-regulating valve, which controls the flow of helium gas and maintains the pressure inside the tank. This valve helps to ensure that the helium is released at a controlled rate to fill the balloons properly.

So, even though the tank may be small, the high-pressure helium gas it contains and the expansion of the gas when released into the balloons allow it to fill over 50 balloons.

The reason a small helium tank can fill over 50 balloons is because of the nature of helium gas and its ability to expand. Helium is an incredibly lightweight gas, which allows it to fill a large space even with a relatively small amount of gas.

To understand this, let's look at the properties of helium gas and its behavior when it is released from the small tank.

First, helium gas molecules are very small and have low mass. This means that a small amount of helium gas contains a large number of individual helium atoms. When the valve on the tank is opened, the pressurized helium gas is released into the balloons.

Second, helium is less dense than air. When the gas is released into the balloons, it rises to the top because it is lighter than the surrounding air. This property allows the helium to displace the heavier air in the balloons and fill them up.

Finally, helium gas expands to fill any available space. As the gas is released from the tank, it expands to occupy the entire volume of the balloons. The size of the balloons provides enough space for the relatively small amount of helium in the tank to fill all of them.

So, even though the helium tank is small, it contains enough helium gas to fill a large number of balloons. The lightweight, low density, and expansion properties of helium allow it to efficiently occupy the available volume in the balloons.