
Diego Rivera was the most famous _______ of Mexico.
(1 point)

C) muralist

The correct answer is (c) muralist. Diego Rivera was a famous Mexican artist known for his murals.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to identify what Diego Rivera was known for. In this case, the question mentions that he was the most famous _______ of Mexico. We need to fill in the blank with the correct word.

To find the answer, we can eliminate the options that are clearly not applicable. Diego Rivera was not a writer or a politician, so those options can be disregarded.

That leaves us with two possible choices: muralist and teacher. Diego Rivera is indeed most famous for his work as a muralist. He was renowned for his large-scale murals that depicted historical and cultural themes, and his works can still be seen in various locations around Mexico.

Therefore, the correct answer is "muralist."